Discover the full potential of your employees and products

The hospitality industry is changing: falling customer numbers and rising costs are presenting businesses with new challenges. To remain competitive, businesses need to optimize and manage their sales in a targeted manner. We provide you with clear strategies for identifying sales-boosting measures and measuring their success.

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What our solution brings you

Customer satisfaction and sales go hand in hand. We show you how you can take targeted, data-supported initiatives to optimize your sales and sustainably increase turnover.

More turnover with fewer guests

Optimize your sales per customer by focusing on efficiency and targeted sales promotion.



Gain valuable insights into the performance of your products. Identify bestsellers and discover potential to take targeted action.


Targeted measures at the PoS

Develop targeted measures and implement them directly at the point of sale to maximize customer satisfaction and sales.


Recognizing changes in consumer behavior

React flexibly to trends and changing consumer behavior in order to remain competitive at all times.


Employee competence

Improve the sales and product knowledge of your employees on the sales floor to achieve optimal advice and more sales.


Performance review

Measure the success of your measures and make targeted adjustments to achieve continuous improvements.


How we increase your sales

With our solution, you combine precise data analysis with in-depth expert knowledge to perfectly tailor your sales strategy to the needs of your customers. Together with you, we define goals, derive targeted measures and support you in implementing them right down to the employees at the point of sale.

Sales analysis by product group

Gain detailed insights into the sales of your product groups in order to make targeted decisions and adapt sales strategies.

Cost of goods sold

Contribution margin optimization & assortment planning

Increase your contribution margin by implementing targeted measures to increase sales while keeping an eye on costs. A detailed analysis of your shopping basket mix and product group distribution provides you with targeted recommendations to optimize your product range.

This ensures that your product range is perfectly tailored to your customers' needs and meets their expectations.


Active marketing control & sales promotions at the PoS

Use data-based marketing measures to target campaigns and get your products to the right customers at the right time. Play out targeted sales promotions directly on the sales floor to appeal to your customers and promote the sale of specific products.

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From planning to optimization:
How we achieve your goals together

Customers who have already maximized their sales

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For example, if we notice that sales are falling due to roadworks on the doorstep, this is an impetus for change. In such a situation, we can focus more on the individual guest and thus increase the average receipt or use the time gained for internal training.

- Jan Hause, Joint Venture Partner of FR L'Osteria SE


For example, we have noticed that sales of vegan or vegetarian products increase in stores near a butcher's shop at lunchtime and that we sometimes have too few products.

- Sebastian Becher, Area Sales Manager at BrotHaus GmbH


Hiring runners in locations with large areas to give service staff more time for individual guests. The effects, such as increased sales and upselling, are tracked via the POS. sell & pick integrates and analyzes the data from the POS and the personnel management system to evaluate productivity. By directly comparing the time periods before and during this action, it can be directly determined whether this measure improves productivity.

- Zachary Hahne, Head of Treasury at apeiron

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